How to train for calisthenics skills?

Although calisthenics used to be based on simple bodyweight movements, now it’s all about skills. In this article, you will learn how to train for calisthenics skills.

different types of calisthenics skills

There are many different types of skills in calisthenics. We can divide them into statics and dynamics. Statics skills are like planche and handstand. Dynamics skills are like swing 360 and jump over the bar. Each type of skill should be trained differently.

How to train for statics skills

In training for statics elements, proper progression is crucial. To achieve those 3 seconds hold, we have to teach our body to be in a position to which the body is not intended, often opposing gravity. In order to do that, we have to do it step by step, without rushing. To learn a planche, you can’t just start with a full planche, it’s not possible to learn that way. Work with progressions that you are able to hold for at least 5 seconds with good form.

To speed up your progress you can add dynamic elements to your static holds. The inclusion of negatives, raises, pull ups, and push ups variations with static position, will increase strength in a different range of motion and speed up your progress.


Most skills require some level of mobility, but many are based on it – handstand, l-sit, v-sit, manna, and many others. It’s important to include mobility in your training, especially if your goal is one of the skills above.

Training frequency

The best optimal training frequency is 2/3 times a week per skill (learn more about why exactly 2/3 times). Each session combing 5 exercises of isometric holds, dynamics, and accessory exercises.

Example dragon flag training

  • dragon flag straddle 3-5 sets for 5-15 seconds
  • dragon flag one leg 3-5 sets 1-5 negatives
  • tuck raises dragon flag 3-5 sets 5-10 reps
  • Hanging leg raises x 10
  • plank 45 sec

How to train for dynamics skills

Dynamics skills are mostly about momentum and technique, strength isn’t necessary. Because these skills are technique based, the more you train the better you are. They are more dangerous, so remember about your safety.

Training frequency

Dynamics skills are not as exhausting as statics. They can be done more often, at least 3 times a week even up to 7. Train them as often as your body allows you to.

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