How To Do a Straddle Press To Handstand

Welcome, fellow calisthenics enthusiasts, to this guide on how to do a straddle press handstand! If you’ve been working on your handstand game, you may be familiar with the basic handstand position. But have you ever seen someone gracefully move from a straddle position to a handstand without any kipping or jumping? That’s the straddle press handstand, and it’s a challenging move that requires a combination of strength, balance, and flexibility.

Don’t worry if you’re not there yet – this guide is here to help you develop the necessary skills and progress towards this impressive feat. With a bit of practice and dedication, you’ll soon be able to impress your friends and wow your fellow gym-goers with your newfound abilities. So let’s get started!

Prerequisites for straddle to handstand

Before attempting a straddle press to handstand, it’s essential to develop the necessary strength, balance, and flexibility. Without these, attempting the move can result in injury or frustration. Here are some pre-requisites to consider:


  • Straddle press handstand requires significant upper body and core strength. To build strength, you should focus on exercises that target these areas, such as push-ups, dips, and planks.
  • In particular, exercises that target the shoulders and triceps are crucial for lifting the body into the handstand position.
  • Some useful exercises to build upper body and core strength are handstand push-ups, L-sit holds, and hollow body rocks.


  • Achieving and maintaining balance is essential for performing a straddle press handstand. Practicing your handstand is the best way to improve your balance, but it’s also essential to work on other balance-related exercises.
  • For example, exercises that involve balancing on one leg or using a balance board can help you develop a better sense of balance.
  • You can also practice holding the straddle position on the ground to get comfortable with the movement before attempting it in the air.


  • Flexibility is another essential aspect of a straddle press to handstand. You must have good flexibility in your hamstrings, hips, and lower back to achieve the straddle position.
  • To improve your flexibility, practice exercises such as forward folds, seated straddle stretches, and pigeon pose.
  • Mobility exercises, such as wrist and ankle circles, can also be helpful in preparing your body for the straddle press handstand.

In summary, building strength, balance, and flexibility are essential prerequisites for performing a straddle to handstand. Incorporating exercises that target these areas into your training routine can help you develop the necessary skills for this impressive move. In the next section, we’ll discuss some progressions to help you work towards the straddle press handstand.

Progressions for straddle press handstand

Breaking the straddle press handstand into smaller progressions can make it more manageable to learn. By practicing each step, you’ll develop the necessary strength, balance, and flexibility required for the full movement. Here are some progressions to consider:

Pike Position

  • Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend forward at your hips, reaching towards the ground, and touch your toes or as far down as you can reach.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to standing.

The Straddle Position

  • From the pike position, separate your legs, and spread them as wide as possible.
  • Aim to have your knees and toes pointing straight ahead, with your feet pointing outward.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to the pike position.

Straddle Lean

  • From the straddle position, shift your weight forward onto your hands.
  • As you shift your weight, lift your feet off the ground and try to bring your hips over your shoulders.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to the straddle position.

Straddle Press

  • From the straddle lean position, begin to lift your legs and bring them together.
  • As you lift your legs, press through your hands and push your shoulders forward to help you maintain balance.
  • Straighten your arms as you lift your body up into the handstand position.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then lower your legs back to the ground.

Key points when learning progressions

  • Focus on maintaining a tight core throughout each progression.
  • Keep your shoulders strong and engaged to help you lift your body into the handstand position.
  • Use a wall or a spotter to assist you as you practice each progression.
  • Be patient and consistent with your training, and remember that progress takes time.

By breaking down the straddle press handstand into smaller progressions, you can develop the necessary strength, balance, and flexibility required for the full movement. With practice and dedication, you can progress through each step and achieve this impressive feat. In the next section, we’ll discuss some common mistakes to avoid when attempting the straddle to handstand.

Common Mistakes

When attempting a straddle press handstand, several common mistakes can make the movement more challenging or even result in injury. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

Poor Hand Placement

  • Placing your hands too far apart or too close together can make it challenging to lift your body into the handstand position.
  • To avoid this mistake, place your hands shoulder-width apart, with your fingers pointing forward.

Lack of Upper Body Strength

  • If you don’t have enough upper body strength, you may struggle to lift your body into the handstand position.
  • To avoid this mistake, focus on building your upper body strength through exercises like push-ups, dips, and handstand push-ups.

Improper Body Position

  • A common mistake when attempting the straddle press handstand is to have a loose or arched back. This can make it difficult to lift your body into the handstand position.
  • To avoid this mistake, keep your core tight and engaged, and your back flat.

Lack of Balance

  • Failing to maintain balance can cause you to fall out of the handstand position.
  • To avoid this mistake, focus on practicing your balance through exercises like handstands and one-legged balance drills.


  • Take the time to properly warm up before attempting the straddle press to handstand.
  • Break down the movement into smaller progressions, as discussed in section III, to help build the necessary strength and balance.
  • Use a wall or a spotter to assist you as you practice the movement.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form and technique throughout each progression.

By avoiding common mistakes and focusing on proper form and technique, you can overcome challenges when attempting the straddle press handstand. With practice and consistency, you can improve your skills and achieve this impressive feat. In the next section, we’ll discuss some tips for maintaining your progress and taking your skills to the next level.

Tips and Tricks to progress faster with straddle press to handstand

Nailing the straddle press handstand requires a combination of strength, balance, and technique. Here are some additional tips and tricks to help make the movement easier:


  • Proper breathing is essential when attempting the straddle press handstand.
  • Take deep, slow breaths to help calm your mind and body and maintain control throughout the movement.

Body Positioning

  • Proper body positioning is key when attempting the straddle to handstand.
  • Keep your core tight and engaged, your back flat, and your arms straight throughout the movement.

Hand Placement

  • Placing your hands correctly is crucial for maintaining balance and control.
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart, with your fingers pointing forward.

Eye Focus

  • Focus your eyes on a fixed point on the ground or the wall in front of you.
  • This can help you maintain balance and control throughout the movement.

Strength Training

  • Building your strength is essential for mastering the straddle press handstand.
  • Incorporate strength training exercises like push-ups, dips, and handstand push-ups into your training routine.


  • Consistency is key when learning any new skill, including the straddle press handstand.
  • Practice the movement regularly and stay patient and persistent in your efforts.


  • Approach the straddle press handstand with a positive and determined mentality.
  • Visualize yourself successfully executing the movement and stay focused on your goals.

By using these tips and tricks, you can make the straddle press to handstand easier and improve your chances of success. Remember to maintain proper form, breathe deeply, and stay focused on your goals. With practice and patience, you can achieve this impressive feat and take your calisthenics skills to the next level.

Final thoughts

The straddle press handstand is an impressive and challenging calisthenics move that requires strength, balance, and technique. By following the pre-requisites, progressions, and tips outlined in this article, you can build the necessary skills and master the movement.

Remember to approach the straddle press handstand with a positive and determined mentality, stay consistent in your practice, and take the time to warm up properly before attempting the movement. Don’t be discouraged by any setbacks or challenges along the way, and keep your focus on your goals.

With practice, patience, and determination, you can achieve this impressive feat and take your calisthenics skills to the next level. So keep working hard and keep pushing yourself to improve, and before you know it, you’ll be able to execute a perfect straddle to handstand like a pro.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you the best of luck in your straddle press handstand journey!

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