How to train for calisthenics skills?

Although calisthenics used to be based on simple bodyweight movements, now it’s all about skills. In this article, you will learn how to train for calisthenics skills. different types of calisthenics skills There are many different types of skills in calisthenics. We can divide them into statics and dynamics. Statics skills are like planche and

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How to do lying lat pulldown

Lying lat pulldown is a great introduction to pull ups. This exercise will build the required strength and mobility for pull ups because of the same muscles worked and movement pattern. What is lying lat pulldown? Lying lat pulldown is an upper body bodyweight exercise that consists in lying on your stomach with your arms

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How to increase reps in calisthenics

Do you want to increase the number of reps in the calisthenic? If you don’t see any progress after months of training, you’re doing something wrong. In this article, you’ll learn how to increase reps in calisthenics. Progressive overload Training the same way all the time, without changing the number of repetitions, weight or frequency

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Periodization in calisthenics

Periodization is used by top athletes to increase progress, reduce injury risk, and time peak performance. But you also can apply periodization to your bodyweight training to progress faster. Learn how to apply periodization in calisthenics. What is periodization? Periodization is the planned manipulation of training variables (load, sets, reps) to increase progress, reduce injury

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How to do jackknife pull ups

Jackknife pull ups is an upper body exercise that will strengthen the back and shoulders and is also an introduction to pull ups. What are jackknife pull ups? The jackknife pull up is an upper body bodyweight exercise. This exercise is great for beginners to build the required strength for pull ups. These two exercises

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How high should dip bars be?

Dips are one of the best bodyweight push exercises. The movement is simple and doesn’t require any specialized equipment. Dips are great to build upper body mass and strength because they engage most of the upper body muscles, especially the chest and triceps. Although the movement is simple by slightly modifying the technique, you can

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How to do barbell pull ups

Barbell pull ups will strengthen the back and shoulders and are also an introduction to pull ups. What are barbell pull ups? The barbell pull up is an upper body bodyweight exercise. This exercise is great for beginners to build the required strength for pull ups. These two exercises work the same muscles and have

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How to do reverse grip pull ups

Reverse grip pull ups are a great alternative to regular pull ups. They focus more on the biceps and they don’t burden that much shoulder. Learn how to do this pull ups variation and its benefits. What are reverse grip pull ups? Reverse grip pull ups, also called chin ups are bodyweight exercise, similar to

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How to do tarzan pull ups

Tarzan pull ups are pull ups variation that can build upper body, improve grip strength and core stabilization What are tarzan pull ups? The tarzan pull up, also called commando pull up is a variation of a regular pull up, with a similar level of difficulty. The main difference between these exercises is the grip.

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