How to do front lever pull ups

In this article you will learn what front lever pull ups are, how to perform them, prerequisites and progressions What are front lever pull ups? The front lever pull up is a pull up variation in which the body is raised and lowered in the horizontal, facing upwards position. The front lever itself is very

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How to do typewriter pull ups

In this article, you will learn about typewriter pull ups – What they are, how to perform them, progressions to master them, and tips for your workout. What are typewriter pull ups? The typewriter pull up is an advanced pull up variation, that consists of a regular wide grip pull up and moving from side

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How to do archer pull ups

Archer pull ups will strengthen your one hand strength, therefore they are a great way to master the one arm pull ups. In this article, you will learn how to do them, progressions, and tips. What are the archer pull ups? The archer pull up is an advanced pull up variation, that consists of pulling

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